
We can satisfy buyers request with good quality of our products from MADAGASCAR

To store your seeds on top of the shallot, it is important to respect 3 points: in a dry place, away from light and heat. Under these conditions, your seeds can be kept for several years without any worries!

You can store them in simple paper envelopes that would have ended up in the trash or in our seed bags that you reuse for example. The important thing is that your container closes well. We use a metal clamp or a paper clip, on our side.

Then slip all of your sachets into an airtight glass jar that you will place away from light and heat (in a cupboard for example). Your seeds will keep for 2 to 10 years depending on the variety.


We can satisfy buyers request with good quality of our products from MADAGASCAR

The notion of spice is relatively vague and most dictionaries are content to describe it as an aromatic substance of vegetable origin used to season dishes. This definition creates some confusion with the notions of seasoning, condiment or aromatic herb:

  • aromatics are also used to enhance the taste of food, but the sweetness of their aroma is more important than the strength of their flavor. They are also used in medicine and perfumery, and can be of animal origin, as is the case for musk, castoreum, or ambergris;
  • aromatic herbs are generally small aromatic plants, whose leaves, stems and flowers are generally (but not always) used fresh, such as basil, rosemary, thyme, parsley or tarragon;
  • condiments are rather preparations made from a mixture of spices, herbs, herbs, but also other foodstuffs (vegetables, flour, broth). They are generally consumed in large quantities with the dishes and brought to the table at the time of service rather than integrated into the culinary preparation. Thus, salt, mayonnaise or pickles are condiments.